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Vi søger en faguddannet kok til et spændende og afvekslende job, hvor de gode råvarer og den velsmagende og ernæringsrigtige mad har førsteprioritet. Derudover prioriterer vi minimering af madspil højt.
Du skal have lyst til at bidrage til arbejdet i alle kantinens funktioner med madproduktion, servicering, opvask og rengøring.
Vi tilbyder:
Raw Power Games is a games developer dedicated to creating amazing games while fostering a remarkable work culture for our team.
At Raw Power Games, we encourage experimentation and recognize the value of learning and growth. We are located in Copenhagen, but with flexible work hours and remote options, we prioritize task completion over specific time or location.
We believe that an inclusive and inspiring work environment brings out the best in our talented individuals, resulting in exceptional games.
Fully funded, we’re developing our first game which is an open world sandbox set in a familiar historical setting, with a twist. It will initially launch on PC, followed by console versions.
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