1. 设计和制作战斗玩法:包括战斗规则,操控,3C,角色设计,敌人和BOSS设计
2. 在游戏引擎里使用编辑器,脚本,和蓝图来配置落地角色3C, 技能和玩法,并且独立调试和迭代角色手感、动作和特效
3. 在游戏引擎里使用编辑器,脚本,蓝图和行为树组件配置敌人,并且独立调试和迭代敌人的能力,AI行为和特效
4. 与关卡/系统/叙事策划配合来打磨战斗玩法体验
5. 带领一个多部门(美术/程序)的协同特性组来推动从创意到最终实现的关卡生产过程
6. 能对自己负责的内容和相关的同事的内容 进行BUG定位/解决和体验优化打磨
7. 支持和配合主策划完成所需的工作
1. 作为核心成员完整的参与过至少一款接近上线或者已经上线的3A品质的动作游戏2. 对角色动作设计有极强的敏锐度,能有逻辑的/清晰的分析和关注战斗表演的细节
3. 有三年以上3D实时战斗的动作游戏战斗设计经验
4. 有一定的角色设计能力
5. 能熟练使用主流引擎UE4/5 和有在引擎能独立动手开发内容的能力
6. 能使用脚本语言在引擎内自己实现简单的功能原型和对脚本语言的BUG排查
7. 理解用户,能通过数据分析用户体验,并以此角度去驱动设计
8. 核心动作游戏玩家(玩过10款以上3D动作游戏超过50小时,其中一款需要超过200小时)
9. 优秀的团队合作和沟通能力
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Tencent is a world-leading internet and technology company that develops innovative products and services to improve the quality of life of people around the world.
Founded in 1998 with its headquarters in Shenzhen, China, Tencent's guiding principle is to use technology for good. Our communication and social services connect more than one billion people around the world, helping them to keep in touch with friends and family, access transportation, pay for daily necessities, and even be entertained.
Tencent also publishes some of the world's most popular video games and other high-quality digital content, enriching interactive entertainment experiences for people around the globe.
Tencent also offers a range of services such as cloud computing, advertising, FinTech, and other enterprise services to support our clients' digital transformation and business growth.
Tencent has been listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong since 2004.
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