● 主观能动、自主性、执行力、学习能力强,并具有团队精神;
● 自驱力强,善于表达,充满激情,
● 拥有协作、独立、坚持、灵活和开放精神;
● 以客户为导向;
● 深厚的C/C++编程技能,精通C和C++语言,具备面向对象编程(OO)的深入理解,并拥有超过5年的C++项目开发经验
● 具备C/C++中主动进行代码优化的能力,这包括编写高效、高性能的C/C++代码、理解和分析X86/64/ARM汇编代码的技能
● 具备在Windows操作系统下的原生开发经验,熟悉Windows API,尤其是窗口系统、GDI、DirectX(2D和3D),以及HLSL Shader。掌握HLSL Shader将被视为一个加分项。
● 对Audio/Video codec有基本了解。具有使用FFMPEG、GStreamer或其他媒体编解码平台的经验者优先
● 具备出色的程序调试能力,能够有效地定位和解决软件中的问题
● 熟练的英文能力, 能够阅读英文原版技术论文,并具有与国际团队沟通的经验
● 本科(或更高),计算机科学
● 具备一定的Python或JavaScript/HTML技能将被视为一个加分项
Tencent is a world-leading internet and technology company that develops innovative products and services to improve the quality of life of people around the world.
Founded in 1998 with its headquarters in Shenzhen, China, Tencent's guiding principle is to use technology for good. Our communication and social services connect more than one billion people around the world, helping them to keep in touch with friends and family, access transportation, pay for daily necessities, and even be entertained.
Tencent also publishes some of the world's most popular video games and other high-quality digital content, enriching interactive entertainment experiences for people around the globe.
Tencent also offers a range of services such as cloud computing, advertising, FinTech, and other enterprise services to support our clients' digital transformation and business growth.
Tencent has been listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong since 2004.