- 建立关键指标的日常监控机制,监控日常游戏数据,定期输出相关结论和报告;
- 基于产品、用户及市场数据的研究和分析,建立产品/用户画像系统,并形成系统化的分析体系;
- 针对游戏的数据走势,异常波动等情况,定期做出专项数据分析报告;
- 针对新玩法/新功能/新活动的效果,进行数据分析,输出报告,负责对内容落地和效果验收;
- 负责专题数据挖掘和建模,通过精细化运营驱动游戏体验优化,活动优化和用户增长,从数据中提出更优的改进策略;
- 关注行业前沿动态,研究和分析行业发展趋势,量化分析价值和影响,产出专业行业分析报告。
- 2年以上数据分析岗位工作经验,有FPS、MOBA、BR品类有相关项目数据分析经验者优先;
- 熟悉一种及以上的面向对象编程语言及其思想,精通SQL;熟悉Sql编程及性能调优,熟悉Linux常用命令,以及Python、Shell等脚本语言;
- 熟悉分布式架构,有Hadoop/Hive使用经验;
- 充分的数据敏感度,能从海量数据中提炼核心结论并形成专业报告,及时反馈数据中隐含的变化和问题;
- 沟通能力强、富有责任心并具备较强抗压能力,能有效推进多团队合作;
- 良好的英文读写及口语表达,具备产出英文报告及跨国汇报的能力;
- 具备基础活动运营能力,有活动运营经验者优先;
- 热爱网络游戏,对大量游戏经验者优先;
Tencent is a world-leading internet and technology company that develops innovative products and services to improve the quality of life of people around the world.
Founded in 1998 with its headquarters in Shenzhen, China, Tencent's guiding principle is to use technology for good. Our communication and social services connect more than one billion people around the world, helping them to keep in touch with friends and family, access transportation, pay for daily necessities, and even be entertained.
Tencent also publishes some of the world's most popular video games and other high-quality digital content, enriching interactive entertainment experiences for people around the globe.
Tencent also offers a range of services such as cloud computing, advertising, FinTech, and other enterprise services to support our clients' digital transformation and business growth.
Tencent has been listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong since 2004.
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