About Level Infinite
Level Infinite 是腾讯旗下国际游戏业务品牌,致力为全球玩家带来充满乐趣、原汁原味的游戏体验,让玩家随时随地进入游戏世界;并通过打造包容、互通、便捷的玩家社区,促进分享交流。
Level Infinite为合作工作室提供一系列支持及服务,助力其释放产品潜能。
Level Infinite发行产品包括《PUBG MOBILE》、《Goddess of Victory: NIKKE 》《Honor of King》等热门游戏,并与合作工作室联手推出了来自Fatshark的《战锤40K:暗潮》、Funcom的《沙丘:觉醒》、Inflexion Studios的《夜莺》在内多款产品。
想进一步了解Level Infinite,请访问www.levelinfinite.com,并在Twitter、Facebook、Instagram和Youtube上关注我们的官方账号。
Job Responsibilities
1. 配合TA搭建开放世界环境全局光照,时间变化(Time of day);
2. 建立开放世界的灯光生产流程,与TA共同研发搭建灯光模组以及相关工具链;
3. 制作大世界24小时室外灯光,天气变化;
4. 制作室内光照标杆,搭建室内光照的标准化流程;
5. 与生态组,TA,一起研发天气环境变化后的相关融合,材质变化;
6. 配合TA研发开放世界体积雾,风场,等相关特性;
7. 与策划和程序团队紧密合作,满足研发需求;
8. 制作局外角色展示光照,过场动画相关的光照;
9. 制定灯光交付计划,并按计划完成交付;
1. 美术相关专业,五年以上3D场景制作相关经验;熟悉开放世界次世代场景研发流程;有良好的沟通表达能力;
2. 有扎实的美术功底,具有良好的设计和造型能力,对构图、色彩、光影关系,氛围塑造均有优秀的感知力;对画面整体构图,地形表现及模型物件搭配有较强的审美控制能力;
3. 有AAA级游戏制作经验,对大地图编辑有比较丰富的经验,熟悉关卡制作工作流程;
4. 熟练使用UE4或UE5 ;
5. 有制作TOD相关经验,熟悉相关流程;
6. 热爱游戏,喜爱游戏文化;
7. 有较强的学习能力,对工作有极致的追求。有良好的抗压能力以及团队协作能力,能承受一定的工作压力。
Tencent is a world-leading internet and technology company that develops innovative products and services to improve the quality of life of people around the world.
Founded in 1998 with its headquarters in Shenzhen, China, Tencent's guiding principle is to use technology for good. Our communication and social services connect more than one billion people around the world, helping them to keep in touch with friends and family, access transportation, pay for daily necessities, and even be entertained.
Tencent also publishes some of the world's most popular video games and other high-quality digital content, enriching interactive entertainment experiences for people around the globe.
Tencent also offers a range of services such as cloud computing, advertising, FinTech, and other enterprise services to support our clients' digital transformation and business growth.
Tencent has been listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong since 2004.
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