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SalesJob Details
About Salesforce
We’re Salesforce, the Customer Company, inspiring the future of business with AI+ Data +CRM. Leading with our core values, we help companies across every industry blaze new trails and connect with customers in a whole new way. And, we empower you to be a Trailblazer, too — driving your performance and career growth, charting new paths, and improving the state of the world. If you believe in business as the greatest platform for change and in companies doing well and doing good – you’ve come to the right place.
Kami adalah Salesforce, Perusahaan Pelanggan, yang menginspirasi masa depan bisnis dengan AI + Data + CRM. Memimpin dengan nilai-nilai inti kami, kami membantu perusahaan di setiap industri untuk merintis jalan baru dan terhubung dengan pelanggan dengan cara yang benar-benar baru. Dan, kami memberdayakan Anda untuk menjadi Trailblazer juga - mendorong kinerja dan pertumbuhan karier Anda, memetakan jalur baru, dan meningkatkan keadaan dunia. Jika Anda percaya bahwa bisnis adalah platform terbesar untuk perubahan dan perusahaan-perusahaan yang bekerja dengan baik dan melakukan hal yang baik, Anda telah datang ke tempat yang tepat. Account Executive SMB kami berinteraksi dengan pelanggan yang sudah ada dan prospek baru untuk menjual seluruh platform Salesforce Customer 360. Mereka membangun hubungan yang positif dan tepercaya dengan anggota tim utama dan pengambil keputusan di dalam area mereka, dan menjadi alami dalam membantu pelanggan menyadari nilai dari investasi Salesforce mereka. Anda akan menggunakan keterampilan pengembangan bisnis baru Anda untuk mengembangkan peluang, baik melalui prospek yang hangat maupun prospeksi ruang kosong untuk pasar Malaysia.
Tanggung Jawab :
Memimpin kumpulan pelanggan khusus (wilayah atau vertikal) di ruang UKM yang bertanggung jawab atas siklus penjualan penuh. Anda mengoordinasikan beberapa proyek penjualan secara bersamaan dan bertanggung jawab penuh atas pelanggan Anda.
Miliki seluruh proses penjualan untuk memastikan pengiriman terhadap metrik kinerja utama, dengan penekanan kuat pada bisnis baru, sambil mengembangkan akun yang ada.
Gunakan keahlian penjualan solusi Anda untuk merespons kebutuhan pelanggan secara efisien dan mengidentifikasi potensi bisnis untuk menciptakan kemitraan jangka panjang yang strategis dengan pelanggan Anda.
Memperkuat hubungan dengan klien melalui keterlibatan rutin dan pertemuan tatap muka
Memprioritaskan dan memimpin acara industri dan kelompok pengguna untuk membangkitkan minat pasar.
Bekerja sama dengan tim Pengembang Bisnis, Pra-penjualan, dan Pemasar kami untuk semua prospek penjualan dan peluang penjualan.
Membangun strategi akun dan rencana wilayah untuk Pasar Malaysia
Kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan:
Rekam jejak yang terbukti sukses dalam penjualan siklus penuh
Kredibilitas di semua tingkatan dan bukti membangun hubungan positif secara internal dan dengan pelanggan.
Keterampilan komunikasi yang efektif dengan kemampuan untuk membangun hubungan yang berpengaruh dan memberikan hasil dalam lingkungan lintas fungsi.
Riwayat sukses dalam penjualan bisnis baru secara langsung, yang membuktikan pencapaian yang konsisten terhadap target.
Motivasi tinggi, ketahanan dan ambisi untuk membangun karier di Salesforce.
Fasih berbahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Melayu
We’re Salesforce, the Customer Company, inspiring the future of business with AI+ Data +CRM. Leading with our core values, we help companies across every industry blaze new trails and connect with customers in a whole new way. And, we empower you to be a Trailblazer, too — driving your performance and career growth, charting new paths, and improving the state of the world. If you believe in business as the greatest platform for change and in companies doing well and doing good– you’ve come to the right place.Our SMB Account Executives engage with existing customers and new leads to sell the entire Salesforce Customer 360 platform. They build positive, trusted relationships with both key team members and decision-makers within their patch, and become natural at helping customers realize value from their Salesforce investments.You will use your new business development skills to develop opportunities, through both warm leads and whitespace prospecting for the Malaysia market.
Responsibilities :
Lead a dedicated customer set (region or vertical) in the SMB space being responsible for the full sales cycle. You coordinate several sales projects simultaneously and are fully responsible for your customer.
Own the entire sales process to ensure delivery against key performance metrics, with a strong emphasis on new business, while growing existing accounts.
Use your solution selling expertise to respond efficiently to customer needs and identify business potential to create a strategic, long-term partnership with your customers.
Strengthen client relationships through regular engagement and face-to-face meetings
Prioritise and lead industry events and user groups to generate market interest.
Work in partnership with our team of Business Developers, Pre-sales, and Marketers for all sales leads and sales opportunities.
Building account strategy and territory plan for the Malaysia Market
Required Qualifications:
Proven track record of success in full cycle sales
Credibility at all levels and evidence of building positive relationships internally and with the customer.
Effective communication skills with the ability to build influential relationships and deliver results in a cross-functional environment.
Successful history of net direct new business sales, proving consistent delivery against targets.
High motivation, resilience and ambition to build a career at Salesforce.
Fluent in English and Bahasa Melayu
If you require assistance due to a disability applying for open positions please submit a request via this Accommodations Request Form.
Posting Statement
At Salesforce we believe that the business of business is to improve the state of our world. Each of us has a responsibility to drive Equality in our communities and workplaces. We are committed to creating a workforce that reflects society through inclusive programs and initiatives such as equal pay, employee resource groups, inclusive benefits, and more. Learn more about Equality at and explore our company benefits at
Salesforce is an Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer. Qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender perception or identity, national origin, age, marital status, protected veteran status, or disability status. Salesforce does not accept unsolicited headhunter and agency resumes. Salesforce will not pay any third-party agency or company that does not have a signed agreement with Salesforce.
Salesforce welcomes all.
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