About US
Track the social media accounts of Players, WAGs, Children, and relevant people.
Track pages that spread rumors and information about the players' off-court activity.
Track the players' purchases i.e. investments, cars, clothing, watches, vacation spends, etc.
Track YouTube for streams, podcasts, and other players/WaGs appearances.
You will directly liaise with the NBA Off-field team which includes the ACMs and CM of the Basketball division.
Responsible for finding 12-14 story ideas per day.
Must have experience in Writing.
As the Basketball landscape is inextricably linked with Rap and Hip-Hop. Thus one must keep track of known hip-hop stars who have the ties.
Responsible for finding unique story angles that would benefit the Basketball section.
Staying updated with recent developments in and around the Basketball
Excellent command of the English language (US) is a must.
Should have a knack for crisp sentence composition, grammar, and syntax.
Excellent time management skills and ability to work independently
Please note - The pay/remuneration offered can vary according to years of experience and quality of content.
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Sportskeeda also operates a fully owned US subsidiary, by the registered name Sportskeeda Inc. We are a Great Place to Work certified organization, with employees and contributors working from various corners of the globe.
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