1.负责策划、撰写和产出 PUBG MOBILE 电竞赛事内容,协调内外部资源,统筹短视频、长视频、图文内容的创意策划与制作,确保内容质量和传播效果。
2.管理和运营官方社媒账号(如Instagram、YouTube 、TikTok等),提升品牌关注度与用户粘性,确保赛事内容的高曝光与高参与度。
4.紧跟时下潮流热点,结合 PUBG MOBILE Esports 赛事特点,策划并制作创新、有趣的高质量内容,吸引更多用户关注。
1.热爱电竞行业,熟悉 PUBG MOBILE 及其他主流FPS游戏。
Tencent is a world-leading internet and technology company that develops innovative products and services to improve the quality of life of people around the world.
Founded in 1998 with its headquarters in Shenzhen, China, Tencent's guiding principle is to use technology for good. Our communication and social services connect more than one billion people around the world, helping them to keep in touch with friends and family, access transportation, pay for daily necessities, and even be entertained.
Tencent also publishes some of the world's most popular video games and other high-quality digital content, enriching interactive entertainment experiences for people around the globe.
Tencent also offers a range of services such as cloud computing, advertising, FinTech, and other enterprise services to support our clients' digital transformation and business growth.
Tencent has been listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong since 2004.
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