Senior Motion Capture Operator

2 Months ago • 4-12 Years

About the job

Job Description

We are looking for a Senior Motion Capture Operator to join our team in Prague. You will be responsible for maintaining our MoCap studio, overseeing the capture process, and creating/maintaining tools. Must-have experience with optical motion capture, performance capture, data processing, and animation retargeting.
Must have:
  • Optical Motion Capture
  • Performance Capture
  • Motion Capture Data
  • Animation Retargeting
Good to have:
  • Optitrack System
  • In-engine Animation
  • Camera Functioning
  • Python Scripting
  • AAA Game Title
  • Modern Offices
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Hledáme seniorního/vedoucího MoCap operátora k posílení našeho týmu.
Jeho zodpovědností bude účastnění se rozhodování o technickém směru a postupech práce v našem vlastním MoCap studiu,
udržování infrastruktury, dohlížení na proces snímání a tvorba/údržba SW nástrojů.


  • Zkušenosti s optical motion capture technologii.
  • Zkušenosti s performance capture.
  • Zkušenosti se zpracováváním a čištěním MoCap dat.
  • Zkušenosti s retargetováním MoCap animací.
  • Znalost Motionbuilderu.


  • Zkušenosti se systémem Optitrack (software Motive).
  • Zkušenosti se zapojováním herních animací.
  • Znalost principu fungování kamery a jejich optických prvků.
  • Dobrá znalost anatomie a proporcí člověka
    (na úrovni animátora, ne doktora).
  • Python.


  • Práci na AAA herním titulu s celosvětovým dosahem.
  • Příjemné pracovní prostředí v moderních kancelářích v Praze.
  • Mladý tým herních nadšenců.
  • Možnost mimopracovních aktivit
  • a mnoho dalšího :)

Pokud máš zkušenosti s MoCapem a tato role tě zaujala,
zašli nám svoje CV.
Každému uchazeči odpovíme a s těmi nejlepšími se rádi setkáme osobně.


We are looking for a Senior/Lead MoCap operator who could boost our team.
The successful candidate will participate in decision-making about the
technical direction and pipeline of our in-house MoCap studio,
maintain the infrastructure, oversee the capture process
and create or maintain tools.


  • Experience with optical motion capture technology.
  • Experience with performance capture.
  • Experience with processing and cleaning of motion capture data.
  • Experience with animation retargeting.
  • Proficiency in MotionBuilder.

Nice to have

  • Experience with Optitrack system (software Motive).
  • Experience with in-engine animation setup.
  • Knowledge of optics and camera functioning.
  • Good knowledge of anatomy and human body proportions (artist level).
  • Python scripting.

We offer

  • Work on AAA title with worldwide reach.
  • Pleasant work environment in modern offices in Prague.
  • Young and informal team striving for success.
  • Possibility of non-work activities
  • and much more :)

If you have experience with MoCap send us your CV.
We reply to all candidates and are looking forward to meeting the best ones in person.

View Full Job Description

About The Company

Warhorse Studios is a video-game developer founded in 2011 by a handful of intrepid Czech gaming industry veterans, now grown to a dedicated team of over 250 men and women. Currently working Kingdom Come: Deliverance II, anticipated sequel to our debut title, Kingdom Come: Deliverance, a gritty, medieval, combat-based RPG set in a realistic historic environment and met with an enthusiastic reception from both critics and players worldwide. We are now a part of the leading video game publisher Plaion

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