Assystem is an international company with one mission: accelerate the energy transition around the world.
Every day, our 7,500 switchers located in 12 countries (Europe, Middle East, Pacific Asia & Africa) connect their six thousand billion neurons to tackle the task of the century: switching to low-carbon energy.
We are a collective committed to the actors who are making the energy switch. Sharing our knowledge, expertise and values allows us to innovate and think differently about the energy transition.
Drawing on more than 55 years' experience in highly regulated sectors subject to strict security and safety requirements, we provide our customers with engineering and project management services, as well as digital services and solutions to optimize the performance of complex infrastructure projects throughout their life cycle. The Group is currently ranked second in the world for nuclear engineering.
To ensure a viable, efficient, and reliable energy future for all
Nous nous engageons au respect de l’égalité de traitement entre les candidats, et célébrons toutes les formes de diversité. Chez Assystem, seules les compétences comptent ! Si vous souhaitez porter à la connaissance d’Assystem une quelconque situation ou des besoins spécifiques, n’hésitez pas vous serez accompagné(e) !